The BEST Evidence to Win Your Disability Case

Today, I’m gonna talk about the best evidence for Social Security to find you disabled.

The best evidence for Social Security to find you disabled is objective medical evidence. Social Security considers signs and laboratory findings from a medical source to be objective medical evidence. Some types of specific objective medical evidence includes imaging such as x-rays, CTs, MRIs and ultrasounds. Other objective medical evidence includes EEGs, EKGs, and EMG studies. Sometimes you’ve got EEGs that are used to diagnose epilepsy and brain tumors and other neurocognitive disorders, and also spinal taps, which can be used to diagnose certain infections. Objective medical evidence does not include symptoms, diagnoses or the doctor’s medical opinion.

In addition to objective medical evidence, you will need consistent medical treatment.

So in order to find you disabled, the best evidence you can give Social Security is not only objective medical evidence and medical treatment but consistent medical evidence and medical treatment.