Three Tips to Winning Your Social Security Disability Case

Three Tips to Winning Your Social Security Disability Case

There are three keys to winning your Social Security Disability case. My name is Kaitlin Wildoner, and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. 

This post covers three keys to winning your Social Security Disability case. First, your medical records, make sure they are complete and accurate. To do this, talk with your doctors and let them know that you have applied for disability and that you would like their support. Sometimes doctors have already pushed you to apply, and in that case, you might want to have a discussion with them, letting them know that, yes, you have in fact applied, and if they could help you by indicating in your notes why you think that you would qualify for disability benefits. That can be helpful. I’ve seen many times where a client will call and they’ll say, “yes, my doctor told me I needed to apply,” but then I get those doctor’s notes and there’s nothing in there that’s supportive above and beyond what would normally be in a medical record. This can be very helpful, letting your doctor know that you have in fact applied and that you can use their help in ensuring that the medical record is complete, is accurate, and outlines why they told you to apply for disability benefits to begin with.

Second, kind of along those same lines, ask your doctor to include functional limitations in your medical records. For example, can you work less than 40 hours a week? Are you going to be off-task too much? Are you unable to stand or walk for any length of time? Do you need to switch it up between standing and sitting? Do you need time to kind of walk around, take a walk around the office and walk around the block? What are those specific limitations that you have based on your conditions that prompted them to ask you to apply for disability? Even if they didn’t tell you to apply for disability, have the conversation with them, let them know that you have applied and that you can use their help in adding stuff to the medical records that are supportive. This can help Social Security to understand what your limitations are and why you are unable to work in any capacity. 

Additionally, for the second tip, be responsive to Social Security and your lawyer (if you have one). Social Security will often ask for a response to documents that they send to you within 10 days. Give that response time to them! Also, if you have a lawyer, they need your help so they can help you.

Finally, the third tip, do not lie! This includes overstating your limitations and understating your limitations. 

Social Security Disability Lawyer

If you’re disabled and unable to work, click the scheduling link here or give us a call directly for free telephone consultation, where we can discuss your case and see what I can do to help you.