Top FIVE Tips to Getting Disability Benefits for Back Disorders

Top FIVE Tips to Getting Disability Benefits for Back Disorders

Here are five tips to getting disability benefits if you’ve been diagnosed with a back disorder. My name is Kaitlin Wildoner, and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. Today we’re going to talk about five tips for getting Social Security disability benefits if you’ve been diagnosed with a back disorder that prevents you from working in any capacity.

First of all, with musculoskeletal disorders, imaging is key. Make sure that you have a recent X-ray, CT or MRI that shows the severity of your condition. 

Number two, if your doctor has recommended that you use a cane, a walker, wheelchair or crutches, be sure that they have put it in writing in your medical records so that Social Security will be able to see that.

Number three, along those same lines, if your doctor has verbally told you about certain restrictions such as how much to limit your standing or your walking, lifting, pushing, pulling, climbing stairs, things like that, be sure that those limitations are written in your medical record. This will help Social Security to better understand the limitations that you have as a result of your conditions

Number four, Social Security currently evaluates back disorders under one of two listings. Listing 1.15 covers disorders of the skeletal spine that result in a compromise of a nerve root. Whereas listing 1.16 covers lumbar spinal stenosis. Each listing has specific requirements that must be met.

Number five, if you do not meet a listing, you still might be found disabled if your residual functional capacity is such that there are no jobs available in the national economy that you could perform. Your residual functional capacity is often based on the medical records and the specifics that your treating doctors and others have put into your chart. 

Social Security Lawyer for Back Pain

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