How Do I Know My Monthly Social Security Disability Payment Amount?

A question I often get from clients is, if they’re approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, what will their monthly amount be?

This is hard to answer, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer as it depends on each individual circumstance. For SSDI benefits, the easiest way for you to find an estimate of your monthly disability amount is to log into your mySocialSecurity account. There, you should be able to view your income history and confirm its accuracy and see what your estimated monthly Disability payment and possibly even your monthly estimated retirement benefit.

For SSI benefits, though, the answer is a little more tricky. For 2022, the federal maximum SSI benefit each month is $841. However, that monthly amount can increase if you live in a state that offers state supplementation, such as California, Michigan, New Jersey or Vermont. That $841 a month can also decrease if you have other income, other earnings, or if you’re receiving food and shelter from someone else for free.

So in short, you can easily find your estimated SSDI benefit by logging into your mySocialSecurity account, but for an estimated SSI benefit, more information and calculation is needed.