Why Was My Social Security Disability Denied?

Why Was My Social Security Disability Denied?

If you have recently been denied Social Security disability benefits, you may be wondering why social security denied your claim when you are disabled and unable to work due to mental and or physical impairments. My name is Kaitlin Wildoner, and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. Today we’re going to talk about five reasons why Social Security may have denied your application for disability benefits. 

You Are Not Disabled According to Their Rules

Number one, you are not disabled according to their rules. It’s important to know that the rules are very, very strict. Social Security first uses a Blue Book of listings to determine whether you meet or equal one of those, and if not, then they evaluate your residual functional capacity or your RFC.

You Can Return to Work

Number two, related to the first reason is if Social Security believes that you can go back to your past work and/or make a transition to other work that would require less effort.

Lack of Response

Number three, lack of response. Basically, if you and/or your medical providers are non-responsive to requests made by Social Security or Disability Determination Services while they’re evaluating your claim, they might have to deny your case due to lack of information. This is why it’s important to always be responsive. 

SSDI Denial: Not Enough Work Credits

Number four, a common denial in SSDI cases is if you don’t have enough work credits. Oftentimes, this means you have to have worked five of the last 10 years, but there are exceptions for age and other situations.

SSI Denial: Too Much Income and/or Assets

In a similar vein, a common reason for SSI denials is you have too much income coming into the house, or you have too many assets. Where SSDI relies on having a work history, SSI is based on a lack of income and assets. Both programs require a finding of disability. 

Social Security Disability Appeals Lawyer

Thank you so much for watching. If you are disabled and unable to work, click the scheduling link here or give us a call directly to see what I can do to help you.