How Long Does it Take for My SSDI or SSI Case to Be Approved?

How Long Does it Take for My SSDI or SSI Case to Be Approved?

The length of time it takes to be approved for Social Security Disability benefits varies greatly and depends on a number of factors. My name is Kaitlin Wildoner, and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. 

Today we’re going to talk about how long it can take for your Social Security Disability case to be approved. I first want to note that these time frames are estimates and that depending on the specifics of your case, your time frame might be longer or it might be shorter. The entire process from initial application to approval can be months or even years. 

SSDI Initial Application Timeline

When you submit your initial application, it can start a little slow. It often takes between four and six months before you receive that initial decision. If the initial decision is an approval, that’s wonderful! If the initial decision is a denial, then you file a request for reconsideration.

SSDI Reconsideration Timeline

The request for reconsideration stage is similar to the initial application stage and often takes between four to six months for that reconsideration decision to be mailed to you. If the reconsideration decision is an approval, congratulations! If the reconsideration decision is another denial, then you file a request for hearing.

SSDI Hearing Stage Timeline

Here’s where the timeline can start to drag out. The hearing stage is often longer than the first two, as you are awaiting a hearing date scheduled with an administrative law judge. It can often take 12 months or more from the time the hearing is requested. Once your hearing is scheduled and held, several more months can sometimes pass before the decision is written and sent to you in the mail. If the administrative law judge finds in your favor, that’s great!

Appeals Council (and Beyond!) Timeline

If the administrative law judge denies your case, you can file an appeal up to the Appeals Council. This stage can also be quite long, potentially ranging from three months to a year or more. Then, if the Appeals Council remands or reverses the unfavorable decision in your case, you might have additional wait time before a second hearing can be held.

If the Appeals Council declines to review your case, you can file an appeal in federal court. 

As you can see, there are time frames at each stage, which can vary from case to case. Then, depending on where in the process your case is actually approved, your case might take only a few months from application to approval, or it can take several years.

Social Security Disability Attorney

Thanks so much for watching, if you’re disabled and unable to work, click the scheduling link here or call directly for a free consultation where we discuss your case and see what I can do to help you.