Is it Hard to Apply for #SSDI?

Is it Hard to Apply for #SSDI?

If you are disabled and unable to work, you may be wondering how difficult it really is to apply for Social Security Disability. My name is Kaitlin Wildoner, and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. Today we’re going to talk about how difficult it actually is to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. 

First, I want to note that the ease of applying for disability benefits and the difficulty of actually obtaining those benefits should not be conflated. It is very easy to apply for Social Security Disability benefits, and there are actually three ways that you can apply depending on which is easiest for you. You can apply online directly with the Social Security Administration, you can apply over the phone with Social Security, and you can apply in person with your local Social Security Office. For the phone interviews, you generally have to call them and they will schedule a time in the future, usually a few weeks out to submit the total application.

When you apply, you will want to have all of the necessary information handy. I’ve hosted webinars on the specifics of applying for SSDI and SSI benefits, and I encourage you to watch those. As far as how easy it is to actually obtain disability benefits, that answer varies. It depends on your conditions, your medical records, and the adjudicator who’s been assigned to your case. I often tell clients that you can expect an initial application and review to take between three to six months, a reconsideration appeal to similarly take between three to six months, and the hearing stage to last for about 12 months or so. However, each of these timelines are subject to change.

Social Security Disability Lawyer

Thanks so much for watching. If you’re disabled and unable to work, click the scheduling link here or give me a call directly for a free consultation where we discuss your case and see what I can do to help you.