Three Things to Do While Waiting for Your Initial SSDI Decision

Three Things to Do While Waiting for Your Initial SSDI Decision

Did you recently submit an SSDI or SSI application and you’re wondering what to do while you wait for the initial decision?

My name is Kaitlin Wildoner and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. 

In this video, we’re going to talk about the three things that you should do while waiting for your initial Social Security Disability decision.

Number one, you want to be responsive to Social Security (and to your lawyer if you have one). When Social Security or your lawyer sends you correspondence, calls you, or emails you, try to respond as quickly as practical. Social Security will often mail questionnaires during the initial application stage. Sometimes these forms don’t get sent out on the same day they are dated and/or the mail may take longer than expected. If you receive a letter and the due date is quickly approaching, you may want to call the adjudicator listed on the paperwork and let them know that you have received the questionnaire and you are actively working on it.

Number two, you want to make sure that you continue your medical care. If you’re seeing doctors for your conditions, try to keep your appointments and communicate with your doctors about what’s happening with your conditions, any medication side effects that you have, limitations with your daily activities, etc. You may also want to let them know that you have applied for Social Security disability benefits as they might be able to help you. They may be able to indicate what limitations you have as a result of your condition in your chart. They may also be willing to complete forms to let the Social Security Administration know your capabilities. 

Number three, always be honest with your medical care team, your lawyer, and of course, Social Security. It helps to make sure everyone is on the same page 

Thanks so much for watching. If you’re disabled and unable to work, click the scheduling link here or give us a call directly for a free consultation where we discuss your case and see what I can do to help you.