Who Qualifies for SSDI Benefits?

Who Qualifies for SSDI Benefits?

Who are the lucky ones that qualify for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits?

My name is Kaitlin Wildoner and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. 

Today we’re going to talk about who qualifies for Social Security disability insurance. We are talking about SSDI benefits, which are the benefits that you have earned by paying into the system all those years while you were working. To qualify for SSDI benefits, we typically say that you must have worked five of the last 10 years/you must have 20 quarters of coverage in the prior 40 quarters (or 10 years). 

Each quarter of coverage represents a certain amount of income you have earned. In 2022, for every $1,510 you earned, you earned one quarter of a credit. You can only earn four credits per year, though, so once you $6,040 in 2022, you earned all your credits for the year.

Also, to qualify for SSDI benefits, you must be disabled and unable to work for a period of at least 12 months. The disabling condition and limitations will need to be highlighted in your medical records. 

Finally, you may qualify for SSDI benefits if you meet or equal one of the listings in the Social Security Blue Book of Listings. 

Thanks so much for watching. If you’re disabled and unable to work, click the scheduling link here or give us a call directly for a free consultation where we discuss your case and see what I can do to help you.