Top Three Reasons Why Social Security Found You Not Disabled

Here are the top three reasons why Social Security found you not disabled.

The first reason, is you earned too much money in 2022. Individuals cannot earn more than one thousand three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350) a month and still be found disabled.

Reason number two is you were not disabled long enough under Social Security regulations to be found disabled. You must be disabled for a period of at least 12 continuous months, or have a condition that’s expected to result in death.

The third top reason why your Social Security case was denied might be because you’re not following the prescribed therapy of your doctors. If you’re being treated by a doctor, but you aren’t adhering to their practice plan or their treatment regiment for you, Social Security might deny your disability benefits unless you’ve got a valid medical or non-medical reason. 

Some valid medical reasons might include having a mental illness so severe that you can’t comply, or if you have a medically documented intense fear of surgery, if your doctor has recommended back surgery, but you cannot go through with it, that would be a valid medical reason. Some valid non-medical reasons, might include a lack of funds or if you have kind of competing opinions. You have one doctor who prescribed it and the other doctor has said, you don’t need it. We do see that happen. Sometimes with back surgeries, where one doctor will recommend it another doctor will come in and say, well, let’s try some conservative therapies, physical therapy or medication, and you opted to go with that treatment course. As long as you’re listening to one of your treating doctors and you’ve got reasons to back it up.