Can I Collect Unemployment and Social Security Disability Benefits?

Can I Collect Unemployment and Social Security Disability Simultaneously?

If you are disabled and unable to work, you may be wondering if you can collect both Social Security Disability and unemployment benefits. While the Social Security Administration technically says that you can in fact receive both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and unemployment benefits, the reality is a little bit stickier than that.

Social Security and Unemployment

It’s important to note that the two programs, unemployment and Social Security Disability, are a bit at odds with each other. When you apply for unemployment benefits, you often have to certify that you are ready, willing and able to work. However, when you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, you often have to do the opposite and say that you are disabled and unable to work in any capacity.

I always advocate for honesty because you don’t ever want to be hit with a fraud claim for fraudulently claiming SSDI or SSI benefits. Additionally, it’s important to note that Social Security often has access to unemployment benefit information. This means that if you are receiving unemployment benefits and omit that information, Social Security may then question your integrity and honesty if they later find out about it.

So while you can technically receive both Social Security Disability and unemployment benefits, actually receiving both is a little bit tricky. Adjudicators working for the Social Security Administration can take into account your receipt of -or even just your application for- unemployment benefits. In that case, the onus is on you to prove how the two applications are not in conflict with each other.

Social Security Disability Lawyer

If you are disabled and unable to work click the scheduling link here or give me a call to see what I can do to help you.