What NOT to Do While Waiting for Your SSDI Hearing 

What NOT to Do While Waiting for Your SSDI Hearing 

Did you recently request a hearing in your SSDI or SSI case and you’re wondering if there are certain things that you should avoid while waiting for your hearing to be scheduled?

My name is Kaitlin Wildoner and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. 

In this video, we’re going to talk about what you should not do while you wait for your Social Security Disability hearing.

Number one, you should never ever be dishonest with the Social Security Administration. You’ll want to be honest anytime they send you paperwork. You also want to be honest during the hearing when you’re providing testimony. You’ll want to be honest about your work history, your income and your assets, your ability to work, and your limitations. 

Also make sure you’re being honest about what you can no longer do. I want to make sure that you know that this goes both ways. I’m not only saying don’t exaggerate but also saying don’t sugarcoat things. If you are truly unable to do something, make sure that you’re letting Social Security know that – as frustrating or as embarrassing as it may be for you.

Number two, you don’t want to stop treating with your medical providers while you wait for your hearing. If you cannot afford health care, check to see if there are any low or no cost providers in your local area that you may qualify to see. Social Security heavily relies on medical records when making their findings of disability.

Thanks so much for watching. If you’re disabled and unable to work, click the scheduling link here or give us a call directly for a free consultation where we discuss your case and see what I can do to help you.