Who is the Medical Expert in My Social Security Disability Case?

Who is the Medical Expert in My Social Security Disability Case?

Did you just receive your hearing notice in your Social Security disability case and you’re wondering who the medical witness is that will be present at your hearing?

My name is Kaitlin Wildoner and I’m an attorney who helps disabled clients obtain their disability benefits as quickly as possible so they can focus on getting better. 

In this video, we’re going to discuss who the medical witness is that Social Security has requested testify in your upcoming disability hearing. The medical witness is an individual who is hired by the Social Security Administration to provide impartial testimony at your hearing regarding your conditions and what physical and or mental limitations you may have because of your diagnosed conditions. 

The medical witness does not often ask you questions directly but may ask clarifying questions of the judge and the judge will determine whether or not to elicit that testimony from you. The medical witness is responsible for testifying about your condition. He or she does this oftentimes based on the medical records that are present in the Social Security file. This is another reason why it’s important that you continue treating while you’re waiting for your hearing date and is another reason why it’s important to have a supportive treating doctor. 

The medical witness may be there to provide insight into what diagnoses and what conditions you have and how they impact your ability to function. He or she may also testify as to whether you meet or equal one of the listings in the Social Security Administration Blue Book of Listings. If the doctor opines that you do not meet or equal a listing, he or she will likely then testify as to what they believe your residual functional capacity is based on the medical records. 

Thanks so much for watching. If you’re disabled and unable to work, click the scheduling link here or give us a call directly for a free consultation where we discuss your case and see what I can do to help you.