Here you can find multiple resources for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) applications, appeals process, and more. If you have additional questions, give Beacon Disability, PLLC, a call today!

Social Security Administration Resources

mySocialSecurity Account. Using your mySocialSecurity account, you can submit your application for Social Security disability benefits, review your earnings history, and see your estimated monthly disability benefit (SSDI) amount, and more!

Information on how to apply for SSDI benefits. This will take you directly to the SSA website and outline the ways you can submit an application for SSDI benefits. This webpage will also tell you what information is needed to submit your initial application.

Information on how to apply for SSI benefits. This will take you directly to the SSA website and outline the SSI application process. This webpage will also tell you what information you will need to submit your initial application for SSI benefits.

Online Video Hearings. This link takes you to an SSA publication that outlines the Online Video Hearing process at the hearing stage for SSDI and SSI cases.

Social Security Publication on Consultative Examination. This link takes you to an SSA publication that outlines the consultative examination process and what to expect.

Overview of Social Security Programs. This link takes you to a publication by the SSA about the different programs offered by the Social Security Administration.


Beacon Disability, PLLC Resources

Beacon Disability, PLLC YouTube Channel. Here, you will find many short and informational videos about Social Security disability benefits, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) by Beacon Disability, PLLC.

Past Wednesday Webinars. Here is a link directly to the YouTube playlist with all of the past Beacon Disability, PLLC Wednesday Webinars.

Current Client Resources. Here is a link to our library of videos for current SSDI and SSI clients, separated by stage in the case (initial application, reconsideration, hearing).

Disase Organizations